recital 2024
Pivotal Academy of Dance presents
Hays Performing Arts Center
Dress Rehearsals: June 6th & 7th, 2024
Recital: June 8th, 2024
Tentative Showtimes: 11:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 5:00 PM
Tickets are on sale now! They may be purchased through the links above or in person at the front desk.
Ticket prices: $10 for adults and children 10 and up; $5 for children under 10 years of age
If your dancer is performing in more than one show, tickets will be half off for each additional show that they perform.
Absolutely no videography or flash photography during the show.
Vida Film Productions will be producing a professional digital video that was included with your dancers recital fee.
You will receive this video by email 6 weeks post performance.
Recital T-Shirts
All dancers will be receiving a Recital T-Shirt as part of their recital fee.
We ask that each dancer wear their shirt to dress rehearsal as well as their performance.
If you would like to purchase additional t-shirts, submit an order through this form by Tuesday, April 10th.
Flowers & Candy Bouquets
Order flowers and/or candy bouquets to congratulate your dancer!
Pick them up before your Recital on May 27, 2023 at the PAC.
Order form and payment are due by MAY 15, 2023.
All bouquets are prepared by Girl Scout Troop 1687.
Recital Show Order
11:00 AM Show
|Opener| (Production Company)
Monday Combo I/II (Ms. Paige)
Tuesday BTJ I - Jazz (Ms. Britt)
Boys Tap (Ms. Paige)
VDC (Team Rise)
Wednesday BTJ I/II - Ballet (Ms. Paige)
Tap I (Ms. Paige)
Ballet V (Ms. Lindsey)
Tuesday BTJ I - Tap (Ms. Britt)
Jazz VII (Ms. Paige)
Wednesday Bitty Bop (Ms. Britt)
Monday Contemporary IV (Ms. Paige)
Wednesday BTJ I/II - Tap (Ms. Paige)
Ballet VI (Ms. Lindsey)
Boys Hip Hop I/II (Ms. Paige)
Jazz IV/V (Ms. Sabrina)
Thursday Combo II/III (Ms. Paige)
Pointe II/III (Ms. Lindsey)
Hip Hop IV (Ms. Brooklyn)
Adult Beginning Tap (Ms. Britt)
Hip Hop I (Ms. Britt)
Contemporary VI (Ms. Sabrina)
“One Big Family” (Crew Link & Connect)
Adult Jazz (Ms. Jade)
Jazz I (Ms. Paige)
Class of 2023 (VDC Seniors)
|Finale| (VDC & PADLock)
2:00 PM Show
|Opener| (Production Company)
Tuesday Combo I/II (Ms. Kelley)
Wednesday Combo II/III (Ms. Britt)
Ballet I (Ms. Lindsey)
Tap V/VI (Ms. Paige)
Ballet III (Ms. Lindsey)
Hip Hop II (Ms. Britt)
Thursday Bitty Bop (Ms. Britt)
Jazz V (Ms. Paige)
Jazz II (Ms. Paige)
Wednesday BTJ II - Ballet (Ms. Jade)
Monday Hip Hop III (Ms. Brooklyn)
Tap IV/V (Ms. Jade)
Ballet VII (Ms. Lindsey)
Contemporary I (Ms. Lindsey)
Saturday Combo I/II (Ms. Hailey)
Jazz IV (Ms. Paige)
VDC (Team Evolve)
Wednesday BTJ II - Jazz (Ms. Jade)
Adult Tap (Ms. Jade)
Contemporary III (Ms. Britt)
Contemporary II (Ms. Britt)
Hip Hop I/II (Ms. Britt)
Class of 2023 (VDC Seniors)
|Finale| (VDC & PADLock)
5:00 PM Show
|Opener| (Production Company)
Wednesday Combo I/II (Ms. Jade)
Saturday BTJ I/II - Ballet (Ms. Hailey)
Tap VII (Ms. Paige)
Contemporary I/II (Ms. Paige)
Musical Theater (Ms. Britt)
VDC (Team Aspire)
Ballet II (Ms. Lindsey)
Thursday Hip Hop III (Ms. Sabrina)
Hip Hop II/III (Ms. Sabrina)
“Keeping It Real” (Crew Element, Fuse & Chain)
Ballet IV (Ms. Lindsey)
Contemporary V (Ms. Paige)
Saturday Combo II/III (Ms. Hailey)
Tap II/III (Ms. Jade)
Hip Hop V (Ms. Brooklyn)
Jazz VI (Ms. Paige)
Hip Hop VI (Ms. Brooklyn)
Jazz III A (Ms. Paige)
Jazz III B (Ms. Hailey)
"Uptown Funk" (Tap Company)
Wednesday Contemporary IV (Ms. Britt)
Saturday BTJ I/II - Jazz (Ms. Hailey)
Adult Hip Hop (Ms. Britt)
Class of 2023 (VDC Seniors)
|Finale| (VDC & PADLock)
What you need to know for PURSUE Your Dreams 2023 Spring Recital:
Hair Style for dancers by GENRE:
Combo & Bitty Bop: Half Up/Half Down
Ballet Levels I - VII & Pointe: BUN
Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Musical Theater & Contemporary Levels I - VII: PONYTAIL
Boys: Neat and out of face
Recital T-Shirt:
All dancers will be receiving a Recital T-Shirt as part of their recital fee.
We ask that each dancer wear their shirt to dress rehearsal as well as their performance.
NEW Digital Advertisements:
Available to purchase and due by Monday, May 1st.
$25 per ad (prepared and submitted) or $35 per ad (prepared by PAD staff - simply submit a photo and wording you would like used), Payable by cash/check or credit card with convenience fees applied.
Advertisements will be played throughout each recital.
Advertisements must be sized appropriately (4:3 ratio) and submitted by email.
Dress Rehearsal
Thursday, May 25th and Friday, May 26th we will run a FULL DRESS REHEARSAL at the Hays PAC to include all classes. Please locate your rehearsal block below; each block will run approximately 1 (ONE) hour in length. Upon arrival your dancer will be directed to their dressing room.
Dancers will need to arrive in their first costume ready to go with a cover up on. We suggest an oversized button down shirt. Please make sure that all dance shoes are labeled with dancers first and last name.
When costumes are distributed your dancer will receive a costume sheet that will include their dress rehearsal arrival time as well as hair style.
Thursday, May 25th
Dress Rehearsal Schedule
Thursday, May 25th: Arrive at 4:30 pm
Wednesday BTJ I/II (Ms. Paige)
Ballet I (Ms. Lindsey)
Wednesday Bitty Bop (Ms. Britt)
Thursday Combo II/III (Ms. Paige)
Thursday, May 25th: Arrive at 5:00 pm
Wednesday BTJ II (Ms. Jade)
Ballet III (Ms. Lindsey)
Boys Hip Hop I/II (Ms. Paige)
Hip Hop II/III (Ms. Sabrina)
Thursday, May 25th: Arrive at 5:30 pm
Hip Hop II (Ms. Britt)
Tap I (Ms. Paige)
Monday Hip Hop III (Ms. Brooklyn)
Boys Tap (Ms. Paige)
Thursday, May 25th: Arrive at 6:00 pm
Jazz I (Ms. Paige)
Saturday BTJ I/II (Ms. Hailey)
Contemporary I (Ms. Lindsey)
Saturday Combo I/II (Ms. Hailey)
Thursday, May 25th: Arrive at 6:30 pm
Ballet V (Ms Lindsey)
Jazz III A (Ms. Paige)
Ballet IV (Ms. Lindsey)
Thursday, May 25th: Arrive at 7:00 pm
Jazz IV/V (Ms. Sabrina)
Contemporary II (Ms. Britt)
Monday Contemporary IV (Ms. Paige)
Thursday, May 25th: Arrive at 7:30 pm​
Contemporary III (Ms. Britt)
Tap IV/V (Ms. Jade)
Jazz III B (Ms. Hailey)
Thursday, May 25th: Arrive at 8:00 pm
Adult Tap (Ms. Jade)
Hip Hop V (Ms. Brooklyn)
Wednesday Contemporary IV (Ms. Britt)
Adult Jazz (Ms. Jade)
Thursday, May 25th: Arrive at 8:30 pm
Contemporary V (Ms. Paige)
Adult Beginning Tap (Ms. Britt)
Jazz V (Ms. Paige)
Adult Hip Hop (Ms. Britt)
Friday, May 26th
Dress Rehearsal Schedule
Friday, May 26th: Arrive at 10:00 am
Monday Combo I/II (Ms. Paige)
Saturday Combo II/III (Ms. Hailey)
Tap V/VI (Ms. Paige)
Friday, May 26th: Arrive at 10:30 am
Tuesday Combo I/II (Ms. Kelley)
Jazz IV (Ms. Paige)
Tap VII (Ms. Paige)
Hip Hop IV (Ms. Brooklyn)
Friday, May 26th: Arrive at 11:00 am
Thursday Bitty Bop (Ms. Britt)
Musical Theater (Ms. Britt)
Contemporary I/II (Ms. Paige)
Hip Hop VI (Ms. Brooklyn)
Friday, May 26th: Arrive at 1:00 pm
Wednesday Combo I/II (Ms. Jade)
Ballet VII (Ms. Lindsey)
Thursday Hip Hop III (Ms. Sabrina)
Friday, May 26th: Arrive at 1:30 pm
Tuesday BTJ I (Ms. Britt)
Ballet II (Ms. Lindsey)
Jazz VII (Ms. Paige)
Ballet VI (Ms. Lindsey)
Friday, May 26th: Arrive at 2:00 pm
Wednesday Combo II/III (Ms. Britt)
Jazz VI (Ms. Paige)
Hip Hop I (Ms. Britt)
Pointe II/III (Ms. Lindsey)
Friday, May 26th: Arrive at 2:30 pm
Jazz II (Ms. Paige)
Hip Hop I/II (Ms. Britt)
Contemporary VI (Ms. Sabrina)
Tap II/III (Ms. Jade)
Friday, May 26th: Arrive 3:00 pm
VDC & PADlock Tech Rehearsal for ALL dances
3:00 - 5:00 PM
Wear all black